Two weeks since the last update , and I'm happy to note the following changes: E takes three naps consistently. I no longer need to do any shushing or rocking but I do occasionally nurse her in bed. Bedtime is not arduous at all - she fusses for a bit and then goes to sleep herself. E has figured out which fingers she likes to suck. Hooray for my nipples! I can actually do things during naptime. Those Internet memes are not going to catch up on themselves. Babies can be real babies about sleeping. If only they'd grow up about it! The Morning Nap The timing of this nap depends on when she wakes up in the morning. I see a variance in her morning wake up time but it's usually somewhere between 6 and 7:30 AM. Accordingly, the morning nap happens anytime between 8 and 9 AM. E spends her mornings with her father. Once he has to start getting ready for work, we take the dog out and generally expose E to some fresh air and noise (my assumption being that mornin...