I hate the sight of poop smeared all over E's bottom. I hate washing it off even more. Sure, she's my baby, and nothing she does could ever be gross but that was when she was my wonderful, exclusively breastfed baby with sunshine yellow poop that smelled of curdled milk. We called it golden treasure in our house. Now that she's on solids. Her poop is increasingly adult-like (texture, and oh-god-the smell) and gross. Keeping this in mind, I decided it was probably time to introduce my E to the potty. We bought this potty by Summer Infant , which is great because it has a removable potty holder that can be cleaned separately. It sits high enough for baby to swing her feet or plant them firmly on the ground. Plus, a little splash-guard kind of thing in the front that ostensibly helps little boys urinate while seated without splashing. It also prevents the wannabe stander from getting up. Preparing for the Potty There are a few developmental goals that baby needs to ...