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Showing posts from July, 2015

Dealing With Baby's First Cold

E caught her first cold on 14/09/2014. From me. I did everything I could to protect her from my illness my hands were raw from washing . Still, she woke up with a runny nose on that fateful Sunday morning. I messaged E's paediatrician who recommended that I give E half a dropperful of T-minic drops, two times a day. T-minic apparently eases symptoms such as a runny nose, stuffy nose, and sneezing !  Generally mistrustful of medical practitioners, I quickly Googled, 'T-minic.' Which was just as well, because  the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) advises parents to refrain from administering cold and cough medicine to infants below the age of 2 . The active ingredients in T-minic are chlorphenamine maleate makes a person sleepy and phenylephrine hydrochloride a decongestant , both of which are contraindicated by the USFDA for infants under the age of 2. After having conducted research on usage of such medication, the USFDA found that that reports of harm to ch...

10 Things A New Mother Needs Before Baby Arrives

When I found out I was pregnant, I just shut down. In my first trimester, I had constant nausea and fatigue. So I spent my days sleeping and threatening the foetus with boarding school if it made me throw up. Once I was past that and the fabled energy of the second trimester was upon me, I turned to the Internet because it was time to buy things. I ended up being annoyed at how the articles I read online were either sponsored or based on American/Western needs. I ended up buying many things because what if? Don't think about stuff. Just buy stuff. So, if like I was, you are pregnant and wondering what you'll need when baby gets here, read this list of the ten things (out of all the things I bought) that were super useful in the first few months after delivery. Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. I have received no compensation from any of the companies whose products are mentioned below. 1. Breast Pads The main question I had from all my internet resear...