I started this weblog as exactly that, a web log of E’s growth from birth. I’ve chronicled her introduction to life, sleep ( here and here ), food ( here and here ), and play ( here ) in these sites and I am grateful to have had the time to make this. There is a gap where I haven’t chronicled her toddler-hood; ages 3 onwards. I stopped for two reasons: I sounded like a sanctimonious twat (excuses for same here and here ) I didn’t think I was a good parent anymore because E’s father and I separated. Mommy blogging is sanctimonious bs. The truth is that none of know what the fuck is going on and we’re all just trying to get to the end of the day with some of our sanity intact. Some days are great, some days are awful but mostly it stays at an average mean and we wipe our brows, call it a day, and get ready for the next. Babies change as they grow into children. Toddlerhood is that in-between. E learned about divorce just as her language skills were developing. She understood our ...